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Tending Your Yard


We strive to live in a better, cleaner, greener world and to mitigate the effects of global warming.

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Support our mission to cultivate beautiful gardens and protect the environment.
With your $50 donation, you’ll receive a bottle of delicious honey as a token of
our appreciation. Your contribution makes a big difference!

About us

What is the Tending Your Yard,
Tending The Earth project?

No matter where you live, you can help save the environment, mitigate the effects of global warming, and create a more biodiverse world. Even small efforts such as keeping potted plants to reduce air pollutants and replacing grass lawns with native plants can make a huge difference. And those are only a few examples.

By taking small, actionable steps and making minor shifts, you can:

Reduce the effects
of global warming

water usage

Encourage native species to return to their natural environment

Eliminate the use of toxins to create beautiful outdoor space

Small Changes, Huge Impact


Protect and encourage bees and other pollinators by including native plants that feed and shelter them.

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Give these beautiful species a home amongst native plants and rocks for sunbathing.

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Attract backyard birds by eliminating insecticides and removing invasive plants.

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Create shelter for small, native animals.

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Who We Are

Arline Sutherland is the mind behind this wonderful initiative. Worried about the effects of global warming, Arline wanted to take action and make a difference. That’s why she created the Tending Your Yard, Tending The Earth project.

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Make It Your Own

Start implementing tips from the Tending Your Yard, Tending The Earth project in your home and on your property today.

Learn How

Book a Tour

Come learn more about Tending Your Yard, Tending The Earth by booking a tour of our gardens. Walk away with actionable ideas you can apply on your own property.

In Person Visit

Come visit our gardens, explore, and enjoy.

Remote Visit

Join from any device and any location on Earth.

Let’s Do This Together

Make a donation now and join our cause
to reduce the effects of global warming.


Our Stories

We’re excited to share real-life examples from people who modified their yards while maintaining (and even enhancing!) their natural, native beauty.

Noah and Sandra Sarucia

The Farmette Sanctuary

It feels daunting to know what actions I can take to end climate change. And then I stepped into this immersive, educational and exquisite garden. I began to realize how with my hands, with my decisions, at a local scale I could make a global impact. Wandering through, I unlearned assumptions and built new ways of being and acting to end climate change – and yes I now believe within my lifetime we can end climate change. If each of us can reach for our gardens and reshape their impact, we have the opportunity to reach our neighbors and their neighbors. The possibilities are truly exponential.

Geoffrey Clemm

CFO Scruminc

My husband and I always look forward to our trips to the garden at Tending your Yard, Tending the Earth. It’s so impressive how they’ve created a space that’s both gorgeous and environmentally sustainable!

Patty Gibbons

Patty Gibbons MD, PPC at Massachusetts General Hospital and urban gardener

Having watched Arline turn a standard suburban lawn into a humming, buzzing, thriving pollinator garden has been very inspiring. I have learned that there is no need to compromise on beauty when choosing plants native to one’s area. I look forward to the website making this information available to multitudes.

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